Participate in Small Business Saturday!

Participate in Small Business Saturday!

Shop small this Small Business Saturday.

We all know that Black Friday is one of the biggest days of the year for big box stores, and many of us sacrifice our Thanksgiving hours to stand in line for good deals on products. What about the brick and mortar shop down the street, though? While many of us are active members of our local communities, few of us spend our dollars supporting local stores.

To support your local area, the day after Black Friday (November 25th, 2016) has been named Small Business Saturday. Falling right between the rush of Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, Small Business Saturday was created to get holiday shoppers to shop at their local mom and pop stores.

American Express started the holiday in 2010, and it’s grown in the last half decade to emphasize the importance of local businesses. This is a day for businesses and customers to engage and find ways to help each other. What’s more, there are some amazing small businesses in New York that may inspire you to switch to shopping at local stores for good.

Local businesses are one of the community’s most prized and important assets. Not only do smaller shops offer personable customer service, rare products, and unique services, they add value to the community and economy. But this is only achieved with your support! Instead of visiting the closest chain retailer this Saturday, visit your local corner shop. You can get a head start on your holiday shopping and enjoy what the community has to offer. For full information on this local Small Business Saturday event, head to this shop small guide.

If you own a small business, you know that you need to balance full insurance coverage with policies that won’t break your bank. Perry & Carroll believes you should never have to compromise on protection for your business. If you want comprehensive and cost-effective business insurance coverage, contact us today! We’re committed to helping small businesses get the protection they need to thrive on Small Business Saturday, and throughout the rest of the year.