Our Response to COVID-19

To our valued customers:

As your trusted independent insurance agency, our goal is to help protect your quality of life. During these uncertain times we understand there are a lot of concerns about how COVID-19 will affect your life in one way or another.

Our goal is to reduce the risk of exposure and protect our community by limiting social interactions and practicing increased cleaning efforts in our office. When possible, we encourage communication via email or phone, given the importance of limiting personal contact at this time. Some of the steps we are taking include (but are not limited to):

  • Enhanced office cleaning
  • Eliminating handshaking with clients, vendors and the general public
  • Limiting office visitors to essential business only
  • Limited employee travel and in-person meetings
  • More focused awareness of our employees’ health


We understand this is a difficult and confusing time for businesses of all sizes. Things are constantly changing but please know that we are here to help you! Call or email us with any specific questions or concerns you may have.

It is unlikely that a current business interruption policy has contemplated the coronavirus specifically. Business Interruption Coverage is typically triggered by an “insurable event,” i.e. fire, wind damage, broken pipes causing water damage, etc. That said, we are closely monitoring the insurance industry’s response to the COVID-19 situation being a worldwide pandemic and how it is affecting businesses. We will keep you updated regarding any possible coverage that your policy may offer.

For more information on business interruption coverage:

We have reached out to our carriers and are still able to quote new business and complete renewals as usual. The only change is that we would like to do as much business as possible via phone and email in order to protect our customers and employees.

Below is some helpful information from the U.S. Small Business Administration:


While our office is still open, we are asking that client communication be done via phone or email when possible. If you need to make a payment, use the link below to access online payments directly through your carrier.

If you prefer to make your payments in cash, our office will be open to do so, however, we are able to take checks and credit/debit payments over the phone.


While our office is still open, we are asking that any communication be done via phone or email when possible. Please be aware that due to a higher number of emails or calls our response time may be delayed.

Below are some helpful links to share with your employees:

If you have any questions regarding the information provided, please call 607-734-4291 or email your account rep directly. As we stated earlier, we are here to help during this time of uncertainty. We will keep you updated if anything changes in the coming weeks.

Thank you for your continued business.