Cyber Liability Insurance Toggle Menu

typing on computerCyber liability insurance has become increasingly critical in recent years as more and more business is conducted online. These policies can reimburse your out-of-pocket expenses, such as IT services for data recovery, forensics investigations, notification costs, credit-monitoring services, legal costs and business interruption.

Cyber liability policies can also provide legal liability coverage in case you are sued by people whose personal data was released, whose systems or networks were damaged by your virus, whose web transaction was blocked by a denial of service attack or by a regulator who imposes damages against you.

Do your employees use computers and email?
Do you accept online payments?
Do you collect personal information from your clients?
Do your vendors have proper cyber security coverage to protect your business interests?
The answers to these questions help determine if your business is at risk.

Let us help you mitigate your risks by getting you the coverage you need.

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