Have You Renewed Your Insurance Policies Yet?

New Year Insurance RenewalReviewing and renewing your insurance policies at the beginning of the year has many benefits.

Do you know what your insurance policies are really covering? If you are like most people, you haven’t really given your policies a second look since you bought them. Taking the time to look at all of your policies early in the year can help to ensure you have the right amount of coverage for the whole year. Keep these New Year insurance renewal tips in mind when reviewing your policies.

Make sure you can completely rebuild your house if needed.

Your homeowners insurance should be providing enough coverage to completely rebuild your house in case of a total loss. If your home insurance policy is only providing coverage for the market value of your home, you are most likely underinsured. Talk with your insurance agent to see just how much you should increase your coverage.

Ensure all licensed drivers are covered.

If your teen recently got his or her driver’s license, you should add your new driver to your car insurance policy. Adding a teen driver to your policy will not be cheap, but it is necessary. Look for discounts that can help to make your coverage more affordable, such as a good student discount.

See if you can be saving money.

There are discounts for almost all insurance policies to help keep your cost as low as possible. Call your insurance agent to see if there are any insurance discounts for which you qualify.

Finding the right insurance coverage for the year can be very simple if you have the right team of insurance experts behind you. Contact Perry & Carroll in Elmira, New York for all of your insurance coverage needs help you find the protection you deserve.